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Los Misioneros del
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hace el 8/12/1854
el Amor de Dios
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Un Día como Hoy

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56 modos de ser misericordioso

Páginas relacionadas 

Las Obras de Misericordia

El Señor es compasivo y misericordioso - Salmo 102


[Nota editorial:  Lea como personas han puesto en práctica algunas de estas sugerencias, here, (en inglés) o haciendo clic en cada número - por si acaso, estamos sustituyendo paso a paso los archivos en inglés por experiencias en castellano].

Mat 9:11 Al verlo los fariseos decían a los discípulos: «¿Por qué come vuestro maestro con los publicanos y pecadores?» 

Mat 9:12 Mas él , al oírlo, dijo: «No necesitan médico los que están fuertes sino los que están mal. 

Mat 9:13 Id, pues, a aprender qué significa Misericordia quiero, que no sacrificio. Porque no he venido a llamar a justos, sino a pecadores.» 

Dios, que es misericordioso, desea que seamos misericordiosos. He aquí 56 modos ser misericordiosos. Trate de escoger al azar uno por semana para ponerlo en práctica. Haga clic en el número para ver un ejemplo.

1) Resiste a utilizar sarcasmo; es lo contrario de misericordia: "Pon, Señor, en mi boca un centinela, un vigía a la puerta de mis labios"(Salmo 141, 3) .

2) Comparte tus cosas con los necesitados

3) Llama a alguien que está solo, a pesar de saber por qué está solo. Especialmente cuando lo sabes.

4) Escribe una carta de perdón a alguien. Si no puedes enviarla, rocíala con agua bendita, pide a Jesucristo de tener piedad de ambos dos y quémala o entiérrala.

5) Aprende a decir esta oración: "Dios mío, bendice a [el nombre de la persona que te cae mal] y ten misericordia de mí".

6) Planifica un mini-pelegrinaje a un santuario local; haz un esfuerzo durante el camino de vivir  la obra de misericordia corporal: Dar posada al peregrino (ver en el otro a Cristo).

7) Hacer un bien y algo útil para una persona incompatible o a alguien que le ha hecho daño.

8) Fíjese en su manera de actuar en el Internet. Adopte un comportamiento responsable como católico.

9) Decir misas para los vivos: amigos y familiares, incluso extraños de los que has oído hablar o sobre los que has leído y que estén pasando por un mal momento. Y estar agradecidos.

10a)   Descubrir cómo una desgracia es en realidad una bendición: 'el día que gané la lotería'.  10b Y sé lo bastante generoso como para permitirle a alguien que te ayude. La gente necesita sentirse útil

11)  Sin quererlo ha causado una molestia o hecho sufrir a una persona sin la intención. Admítalo y pida perdón. 

12) Take a tip from Cardinal Timothy Dolan and carry around $5 Starbucks and McDonald’s gift cards for the homeless.

13) Take time in prayer to contemplate the good qualities of someone who is difficult for you. Do the same for each member of your family.

14) Send a card, flowers, gift or note to someone on the six-month anniversary of his or her loved one’s death. By then, most people have stopped recognizing their grief.

15) Offer to babysit for a busy mom to go out and have a couple of hours to herself.

16) Make a meal (or buy a gift certificate) for a mom who’s just given birth or adopted a child, or for someone who’s just gone through a loss.

17) Hold. Your. Tongue.

18) Offer to run an errand (groceries, dry cleaning pick-up, dog-walking) for a busy parent or homebound person.

19) If you can’t sit down beside a homeless person to talk for a while today, at least send a donation to a ministry that does do this (such as Christ in the City).

20) If you’re sharing a treat, take the smaller portion.

21) Memorize the 14 corporal and spiritual works of mercy and show your children what they mean.

22) Instead of losing patience with someone online (or in person), try to hear that person’s fear. Ask God for what Solomon asked for: “an understanding heart.”

23) Offer to drive an elderly person to Mass.

24) Recall a time you were not given the benefit of the doubt, and extend one to someone else.

25) Put down the phone and really listen to someone else. With eye contact.

26) Have alternative drinks, other than water, for times when those who have been struggling with alcohol come to visit.

27) Take advantage of sales to buy small toothpastes, soaps, shampoos, socks and feminine products/toiletries; donate them to parish outreaches or make gift bags and have them ready to hand out where needed.

28) Create a short end-of-day ritual to ask for (and extend) forgiveness with those you live with. Do not let the sun set on your anger” (Eph. 4:26).

29) Make a list of your “enemies.” Then, every day, say a prayer for them.

30) Make a point to smile, greet or make conversation with someone who is not in your everyday circle.

31) Give away something of yours (that you really like) to someone you know would enjoy it.

32) Pray a Divine Mercy Chaplet as you are traveling to or from work.

33) When mercy for others is difficult, pray Cardinal Merry del Val’s Litany of Humility.

34) Make a gratitude journal for your spouse and jot down little things he or she does that you’re grateful for. Bite your tongue and go write in it (or at least read it) the next time you want to criticize in a moment of frustration.

35) Learn to make an Ignatian “Examen” every night. Remembering God’s mercy each night helps us be merciful.

36) Respond to provocation with the respect you wish a person would show you.

37) Learn the Jesus Prayer and use it.

38) Take a few minutes during the week to stop at a church and sit before the Tabernacle simply to be with Christ, the Merciful. If you cannot do that, meditate upon the crucifix.

39) Pray a novena for the good of someone you dislike.

40) Dig out your most attractive stationery and handwrite an actual letter to someone as a means of demonstrating his or her importance to you.

41) Offer to read to someone who is feeling ill or is just feeling blue.

42) Ask the Holy Spirit to groan for you when you cannot bring yourself to pray for someone who has done you an injury.

43) Lead with a kind comment with friends as well as strangers.

44) When conversations devolve into “the dark joy” of gossip, help change the subject.

45) Can you play the piano, or any instrument? Can you recite poetry? Give free “concerts” to the forgotten people in nursing homes and assisted-living centers.

46) Visit the graves of your ancestors, or visit a local cemetery and walk around, praying a rosary for all the souls buried there.

47) Go on retreat. It’s a way to be merciful to yourself and the people around you, who know you need to go on retreat. If you cannot do that, at least try to make a day, or evening, of recollection.

48) Admit your jealousy to yourself and your confessor.

49) Offer to pray with someone, even someone you encounter on the street or public transport who looks like they could use it.

50) Keep holy cards, short prayers or blessed medals handy and give them out to people you meet as you are inspired as a blessing to others.

51) Offer hospitality in your home to someone or a group of people you would normally never invite over.

52) With a few other people at your church, plan a party and invite all those from “the highways and byways” to come.

53) If someone you know seems to lack faith, share some of yours — tell him or her how Christ has changed your life.

54) Pay the parking or toll fee for the person behind you.

55) Give the much-maligned Pope Benedict XVI a fair reading sometime. You’ll be surprised.

56) Pray every day for the souls in purgatory. Pray for your dead.

He aquí la última sugerencia: Lea la encíclica de San Juan Pablo II  “Dives in misericordia” poco a poco conforme avanza el año.

La idea de todo lo anterior viene aleteia.org en inglés

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