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MSC en el Perú

The Missionaries of
the Sacred Heart
carry on the mission
of our Founder,
Father Jules Chevalier
announcing the love
of God incarnate in the
Sacred Heart
Together with all
the MSC in the
entire world
we want to tell you
where to find
real happiness

at your service

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Be a Missionary of the Sacred Heart of Jesus


Further information


More than ever, what the world needs now are men and women who can be missionaries of God’s compassion, kindness, gentleness, and healing love. Whether you feel called to be a Religious (a priest or Brother) or lay missionary, we invite you to join our congregation. Through all of our actions and words, we seek to promote healthy relationships with self, others and God, to reach out to the isolated, marginalized and the poor, and to proclaim God's love to the world. Walk with us as we follow the Way of the Heart and be on earth the Heart of Christ.

Be an MSCIf you or someone you know is interested in becoming a Religious Brother or Religious Priest, please check out our websites of the different Povinces, Unions and Regions. Together, the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, and the Lay Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of these three congregations make up the Chevalier Family, named after our founder, Fr. Jules Chevalier.



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