Remember, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart

Remember, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, how greatly our Father has loved you. He has chosen you to be the Mother of His Son, and has maintained you faithful, the Servant of the Lord all the way to the Cross.

Relying on Christ's choice from the cross when he made you our Mother, we pray you speak for us now that you stand in his presence.

We praise you and we thank you. Take into consideration our requests and our needs. ... Lead all people to the source of living water opened in the side of your son and pouring forth for the life of the world hope and peace, mercy and salvation.

Help us to live in his love and to do whatever he tells us. From the heart of your son, our sole mediator, obtain for us the grace best suited to us, for which in union with you we thank him. Amen.

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, pray for us.